I am using GetX. I need once the user type a letter I get this letter to associate it to an object. But the issues is when I use ever function inside onInit fuction inside the controller, there is no change happen. so the even function never implemented.
The Controller Class Code Is:
class RegistrationController extends GetxController {
// Email
late Rx<TextEditingController> emailEditionController;
Rx<Email>? email;
void onInit() {
emailEditionController = TextEditingController().obs;
(_) {
print("\n checked \n");
return email = Email(email: emailEditionController.value.text).obs;
fires when your controller
gets initialize
only for once that will not call again until you force
it or reinitialize
your controller
. So put your functions outside of it and Try using code below :
class RegistrationController extends GetxController {
// Email
Rx<TextEditingController> emailEditionController = TextEditingController().obs;
Rx<Email>? email;
void onInit() {
ever(String val) {
print("\n checked $val\n");
return email?.value = Email(email: val); OR Email(email: emailEditionController.value.text);
On TextField Side
controller: cont.emailEditionController.value,
onChanged: (val){