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why procedure need stack frame or shadow stack?

(Sorry for my bad english, because i am from South Korea)

i tried this code

lea rcx, QWORD PTR [message]
call [print_message] ;it covered return address to bad address

xor rcx, rcx

and crashed...
after that happen, i tried another way

sub rsp, 8   ;shadow stack

lea rcx, QWORD PTR [message]
call [print_message]

add rsp, 8

; stack frame
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp

lea rcx, QWORD PTR [message]
call [print_message]

mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp

these 2 codes is working, but the problem is..., why procedure need these thing?
this makes me curious

real code that the problem came from

extern __imp_MessageBoxA : QWORD


message db "1234", 0


entry_point proc

sub rsp, 8

xor ecx, ecx
lea rdx, QWORD PTR [message]
lea r8, QWORD PTR [message]
mov r9, 0
call [__imp_MessageBoxA] ;stdcall

add rsp, 8

entry_point endp


  • Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with 64-bit code, so I don't know about the exact details:

    Actually, you don't need a shadow stack or a stack frame. But some 64-bit functions require rsp to be 16-byte-aligned.

    This means that the value of rsp must be a multiple of 16 when a function is called.

    If your function looks like this:

        lea rcx, QWORD PTR [message]
        call [print_message] ;it covered return address to bad address

    ... then rsp is a multiple of 16 before the instruction call myFunction. And call myFunction pushes 8 bytes to the stack, so rsp is no longer a multiple of 16 (but the value of rsp can be written as 16*n+8).

    When you perform call [print_message], rsp is not a multiple of 16 and the program crashes if the function print_message requires rsp to be 16-byte-aligned.

    The instructions sub rsp, 8 and push rbp will subtract 8 from the rsp so the value of rsp is a multiple of 16 again.

    The background are certain CPU instructions that require an address that is a multiple of 16 as argument. Example:

        sub rsp, 24
          ; The next instruction will crash if rsp is not
          ; a multiple of 16. This is the case if rsp was
          ; not a multiple of 16 before the
          ; "call print_message" instruction
        paddd xmm0, [rsp]