$message is retrieved from mysql db
The db tables have utf8_general_ci as character encoding
The following is executed with each connection:
mysqli_query($this->link,"set character set utf-8");
The php file is encoded utf-8
When the following command is used:
echo $response = file_get_contents
("https://api.telegram.org/botxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/sendMessage?chat_id=-100xxxxxxx&disable_web_page_preview=TRUE&parse_mode=markdown&text=". $message);
If retrieved $message is stored in English: it works
If $message is stored in Arabic: it doesn't work
If $message is entered in Arabic in the file itself (not retrieved from db): it works
What is wrong? I would appreciate your help!
you need to config your MySQL DB character-set manually using phpMyadmin set it to "utf8" or programmatically when opening your connection try this code:
$dbcon = mysqli_connect("host","user","pass","db");
mysqli_query($dbcon, "set character_set_server='utf8'");
mysqli_query($dbcon, "set names 'utf8'");
you may need to check the messages in the DB tables and may need to re-enter your msgs to the DB again if it's misformatted because of the wrong char-set.