I'm here using the Golang Emersion package to get incoming email via IMAP, here I'm trying to use the InReplyTo function, but what I get is the ID of the sender, for example: CABkN-Fgn2o7L9Rqep2WDE70tfmk07O35+Ta2Snr+CoDdHcAD6rg@mail.gmail.com
how do i change the ID to reply name,
this is my code
mbox, err := c.Select("INBOX", false)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Flags for INBOX:", mbox.Flags)
// Get the last 4 messages
from := uint32(1)
to := mbox.Messages
if mbox.Messages > 1 {
// We're using unsigned integers here, only subtract if the result is > 0
from = mbox.Messages - 1
seqset := new(imap.SeqSet)
seqset.AddRange(from, to)
messages := make(chan *imap.Message, 10)
done = make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
done <- c.Fetch(seqset, []imap.FetchItem{imap.FetchEnvelope}, messages)
log.Println("Last 4 messages:")
for msg := range messages {
tes := msg.Envelope.From
for i, v := range tes {
// fmt.Println(tes)
// log.Println("Subject " + msg.Envelope.From)
log.Println("In REply" + msg.Envelope.InReplyTo)
if err := <-done; err != nil {
InReplyTo :- The In-Reply-To header. Contains the parent Message-Id. This is why you are getting the Id.
Use ReplyTo
instead of InReplyTo
log.Println("In REply" + msg.Envelope.ReplyTo)
Check this :
type Envelope struct {
// The message date.
Date time.Time
// The message subject.
Subject string
// The From header addresses.
From []*Address
// The message senders.
Sender []*Address
// The Reply-To header addresses.
ReplyTo []*Address
// The To header addresses.
To []*Address
// The Cc header addresses.
Cc []*Address
// The Bcc header addresses.
Bcc []*Address
// The In-Reply-To header. Contains the parent Message-Id.
InReplyTo string
// The Message-Id header.
MessageId string