With the Google Apps Script Gmail library, when I use the function GmailMessage.getPlainBody()
, the API seems to take what used to be one paragraph and break it up into multiple, potentially by using a character limit. For instance, a paragraph of my email reads:
From the link you sent me, I gleaned that Gmail refers to their secure email as confidential.
But when I call this function on the email, it becomes:
From the link you sent me, I gleaned that Gmail refers to their
secure email as confidential.
And, when I split the email text on a new line delimitor and do a bit of cleanup to create an array with my output, I end up with:
['From the link you sent me, I gleaned that Gmail refers to their', 'secure email as confidential.']
I viewed this Reddit post, which seemed to deal with the similar problem. But, I tried the resolution suggested by the person who posed the question:
body = message.getPlainBody().replace(/\r\n\r\n/gm,'aaaLINEBREAKERaaa').replace(/\r\n/gm,' ').replace(/aaaLINEBREAKERaaa/gm, '\r\r').replace(/ /gm,' ')
And it didn't quite give me what I need. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, do you have a suggested workaround? Thanks!
I had the same issue. In that case, I used a workaround.
When I checked the email, I noticed that the HTML body is included in the message body and the HTML body has the original paragraph, and I used this situation. So, in this workaround, the original text is retrieved from the HTML body and the HTML is converted to a text. By this, the original paragraph is obtained. The sample script is as follows.
This script uses Drive API for converting HTML to text. So pelase enable Drive API at Advanced Google services.
var message = // Here, please use your "message".
var html = message.getBody();
var id = Drive.Files.insert({title: "temp", mimeType: MimeType.GOOGLE_DOCS}, Utilities.newBlob(html, MimeType.HTML)).id;
var text = DocumentApp.openById(id).getBody().getText(); // or DocumentApp.openById(id).getBody().getText().trim();