I'm trying my best to use ROO, the problem is all I worked before was normal GWT apps created with eclipse and gwt designer. Also, I do know how Spring and JPA work, how DAOs are simplified with the use of aspects, and how to data is obtained from the DB.
When things go crazy is when I try the gwt setup feature... it implements one or 2 patterns and all I can say after is "where I place my .java from my .client package now?" feels like a maze with the mouse trying to get the cheese from the DB
So, how do I work with these patterns now? or, is it possible to drop roo at a point where I could just use the Entities and keeping it like a normal GWT app with client/server packages?
The GWT plugin for Roo was developed by google employees, that's why the generated application uses the best practices recommended by google. If you want to learn more about the generated application and how to customize it I recommend http://gwtsts.blogspot.com/ . You can also ignore Roo and build your own GWT application. You can also remove Roo easilly (see this refcard http://refcardz.dzone.com/refcardz/spring-roo-open-source-rapid)