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Rendering text in a separate function using piston2d in rust

I am trying to render text in a separate function using piston2d / piston_window. I am able to draw text just fine, but I can't figure out how to pass the appropriate parameters into a separate function.

I have studied What is GlyphCache type in a function to render text in Piston2d and adjusted my code accordingly, but I can't make sense of the error I am getting.

use piston_window::*;

fn main() {
    let font = include_bytes!("IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf");
    let opengl = OpenGL::V3_2;

    let settings = WindowSettings::new("test", [500, 500])

    let mut window: PistonWindow =;

    let mut glyphs = Glyphs::from_bytes(

    while let Some(e) = {

        window.draw_2d(&e, |c, gfx, device| {
            clear([0.2; 4], gfx);

        text::Text::new_color([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7], 30)
                &mut glyphs,
                    .trans(100., 100.),

fn render_text(
    x: f64,
    y: f64,
    text: &str,
    size: u32,
    c: Context,
    g: &mut G2d,
    glyphs: &mut glyph_cache::rusttype::GlyphCache<GfxFactory, G2dTexture>,
) {
        .draw(text, glyphs, &c.draw_state, c.transform.trans(x, y), g)

I am receiving the following error:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Texture<gfx_device_gl::Resources>: UpdateTexture<gfx_device_gl::factory::Factory>` is not satisfied
  --> src/
54 |         .draw(text, glyphs, &c.draw_state, c.transform.trans(x, y), g)
   |          ^^^^ the trait `UpdateTexture<gfx_device_gl::factory::Factory>` is not implemented for `Texture<gfx_device_gl::Resources>`
   = help: the following implementations were found:
             <Texture<R> as UpdateTexture<TextureContext<F, R, C>>>
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `CharacterCache` for `GlyphCache<'_, gfx_device_gl::factory::Factory, Texture<gfx_device_gl::Resources>>`

I am aware this is probably very piston-specific, but I would be very happy about any pointers.


  • Just had the same problem. It's almost a year after but documentation for piston_window isn't the best so maybe others will need it.

    This worked for me

    use piston_window::types::Color;
    use piston_window::{text, Context, G2d, Glyphs, Transformed};
    pub const text_color: Color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
    pub fn draw_text(
        ctx: &Context,
        graphics: &mut G2d,
        glyphs: &mut Glyphs,
        color: Color,
        pos: Position,
        text: &str,
    ) {
        text::Text::new_color(color, 20)
                ctx.transform.trans(pos.x as f64, pos.y as f64),
    pub struct Pos {
        pub x: f64,
        pub y: f64,
    pub fn main() {
        let assets = find_folder::Search::ParentsThenKids(3, 3)
        let ref font = assets.join("retro-gaming.ttf");
        let mut glyphs = window.load_font(font).unwrap();
        let size = [500., 500.];
        let mut window: PistonWindow = WindowSettings::new("Test", size)
        while let Some(event) = {
            window.draw_2d(&event, |ctx, g, _| {
                draw_text(&ctx, g, &mut glyphs, text_color, Pos { x: 0, y: 10 }, "20")

    Note that I'm using different "Glyphs" than you are. There's additionally one more dependency in "Cargo.toml" namely find_folder = "0.3.0".

    I'm not entirely sure whether the snippet above compiles and works. It is a quick refactor from this commit