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How to set the active branch using LibGit2Sharp?

I want to create a local branch from master, commit stuff into it and then push the changes to the newly created branch. This is what I did:

string branchname="jodel";
string _repoPath="C:\\gitstuff";
var _author=new Signatur("bot","@bot", DataTimeOffset.Now);

// Clone Repository 
Repository.Clone(_settings.Config.Git.Url, _repoPath, new CloneOptions {  BranchName="master"});

// Create Branch:
var repo=new Repository(_repoPath);
Remote remote = repo.Network.Remotes["origin"];
var localBranch = repo.CreateBranch(branchname);
b => b.Remote = remote.Name, 
b => b.UpstreamBranch = localBranch.CanonicalName);

// Commit
//    Create dummy file:
 File.WriteAllText(_repoPath + "/" +Guid.NewGuid().ToString()+".txt", "Hallo, Welt");
//    Add to Index:
var status=repo.RetrieveStatus();
foreach (var file in status.Untracked) repo.Index.Add(file.FilePath);
//   do Commit
repo.Commit("hi there", _author, _author);
// Push
var pushOptions=new PushOptions { CredentialsProvider=...};

This is what happens: Cloning succeedes. Creating that branch also works. Pushing that branch to the remote repository also work. BUT: the Commit is not not happening to my created branch but to the master branch which I cloned at the start. So all I am missing is one of the following:

  • How to set my created branch as "active" OR
  • How to inform the Commit which branch to use

None of the examples/docs from lib2gitsharp or even intellisense give me a clue what to do


  • When you work with git locally in command line: after creating a branch, you need to check it out.

    $ git checkout -b iss53

    Switched to a new branch "iss53"

    This is shorthand for:

    $ git branch iss53

    $ git checkout iss53

    So, after creating a branch in your code, you need to run a Checkout command.

    Commands.Checkout(repo, localBranch);