I have a list of /bibl entries, each with a /date @when="YEAR" child element. I am trying to output only the first instance of each year.
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1747"/>
<date when="1747"/>
<date when="1747"/>
<date when="1754"/>
<date when="1754"/>
I have written an expression that finds this: for $d in /date/@when return (/date[@when=$d])[1]
But this won’t work in the programme (teipublisher) I am using to output the attribute value. Does anybody have any suggestions about how I might do this differently.
By using BaseX, v.9.6.4
xquery version "3.1";
declare context item := document {
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1747"/>
<date when="1747"/>
<date when="1747"/>
<date when="1754"/>
<date when="1754"/>
for $x in ./listBibl/bibl
let $date := $x/date/@when
group by $date
order by $date
return <bibl>
<date when="{$date}"/>
Output XML
<date when="1746"/>
<date when="1747"/>
<date when="1754"/>