I migrated an application in Flask served by waitress to FastAPI served by uvicorn, but I can't force the links (generated by url_for inside the index.html template) to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
With waitress I used:
from waitress import serve
import flask_app
serve(flask_app.app, host=HOST_IP_ADDRESS, port=PORT, url_scheme="https")
with uvicorn I tried to use proxy_headers, but that didn't work. I used a workaround in the index.html
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">
which correctly loaded the style.css from static files, but the links to another endpoint still use HTTP.
Is there an easy way to force all links created by url_for to use HTTPS?
I have also run into this issue before. One possible solution is to create a custom url_for
function which changes the protocol, then add it to the Jinja environment. One possible implementation may look something like this:
template = Jinja2Templates("/path/to/templates")
def https_url_for(request: Request, name: str, **path_params: Any) -> str:
http_url = request.url_for(name, **path_params)
# Replace 'http' with 'https'
return http_url.replace("http", "https", 1)
template.env.globals["https_url_for"] = https_url_for
You will have to pass the request to the function so it knows how to generate the url_for
, but the request should be passed in to your Jinja2 template either way.
You can then use it in your Jinja2 template like this:
https_url_for(request, "/https/path", search="hi")
The resulting url should look like https://<domain>/https/path?search=hi