I was hoping that with the signatures feature in Perl 5 (e.g. in version 5.34.0), something like this would be possible:
use feature qw{ say signatures };
&test(1, (2,3,4), 5, (6,7,8));
sub test :prototype($@$@) ($a, @b, $c, @d) {
say "c=$c";
Or perhaps this:
sub test :prototype($\@$@) ($a, \@b, $c, @d) {
(as suggested here: https://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=11109414).
However, I have not been able to make that work. My question is: With the signatures feature, is it possible to pass more than one array to a subroutine?
Alternatively: Even with signatures, is the only way to pass arrays by reference? That is to say: Are there any alternatives to passing by reference, e.g.:
sub test($a, $b, $c, @d) {
my @b = @{$b};
Many thanks!
(P.S.: If there's a solution for arrays, then there'd be one for hashes as well, so I haven't spelled that out above.)
With the signatures feature, is it possible to pass more than one array to a subroutine?
Yes you can do this:
use v5.22.0; # experimental signatures requires perl >= 5.22
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use experimental qw(signatures);
sub test :prototype($\@$\@) ($a, $b, $c, $d) {
say "c=$c";
my @q = (2,3,4);
my @r = (6,7,8);
test(1, @q, 5, @r);