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How to escape python block comments when creating vscode snippets?

I created a vscode snippet for a a python function definiton and I am wondering if this is the only and/or recommended way of escaping the python block comments (""" """).

global snippets file

    "def ": {
            "scope": "python",
            "prefix": "def func",
            "body": [
                "def $1 ():
                \"\"\"\" \"\"\"\    "
            "description": "Python function"


def  ():  
""" """   


  • Specify each line in a separate string of the body:

    You can choose the kind of doc string delimiters.

    The doc string should be indented (\t) and the body.

      "def": {
        "scope": "python",
        "prefix": "def func",
        "body": [
          "def $1 ():",
          "\t${2|\"\"\",''',\",'|} $3 $2",
        "description": "Python function"