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How can I print in an f-string an IP address in the dotted binary notation from the output of inet_pton()?

The following code is supposed to take an IP from its user, convert it to the binary and print it to the screen.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from socket import inet_aton, inet_pton, AF_INET

ip = input("IP?\n")

ip = inet_pton(AF_INET, ip) 


When given it prints b'\xb9\xfe\x1bE' .f"{ip:08b}" does not work, perhaps because of the three dots in between the fours octets.. How could I get the dotted binary format of an IP printed on the screen? Any resources of use?


  • Unless I'm missing something, I don't see a reason to use inet_pton here. It converts to packed bytes, when you want a binary representation of the numbers (I assume):

    ip = input("IP?\n")
    print('.'.join(f'{int(num):08b}' for num in ip.split('.')))

    For the input you supplied:
