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ion-select using pipe transform, how to set default value?

I'm using pipe transform on <ion-select-option *ngFor="let item of collection | myPipe:someValueToFilter" [value]="item"> and the pipe will do some filter, map and sort.

How can I set default value to selectedItem within <ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedItem"> in transformed collection after pipe transforming? (Let's say the first item in transformed collection)


  • I think you can use your pipe in component.ts file instead of the template like this:

      providers: [MyPipe]
    contractor(private myPipe: MyPipe)

    then in your method or ngOnInit hook use your pipe to filter your data and use its value where you want, for example, set to the selected item.

     handleMyData(data): any {
      this.collection = this.myPipe.transform(data, filters)
      this.selectedItem = this.collection[0]