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manim add dots to circle list

I am trying to create a bunch of circles around a bigger circle and the smaller circles need to have dots added to them. I am however struggling with adding the dots.

I believe it is because the object in the loop is a mobject and not a circle but I cannot figure out how to cast it, if this is indeed my issue.

Please help if you can

# manim PathExample
from manim import *

class PathExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        num_points = 16
        angles = [n * (360 / num_points) for n in range(num_points)]

        outer_circle = Circle(color=RED, radius=3)
        circles = [Circle(color=RED, radius=1).shift(4*LEFT).move_to(
        outer_circle.point_at_angle(n*DEGREES)) for n in angles]

        dots1 = []
        for c in circles:
            c.add_updater(lambda m: m.rotate(-0.01))
            dot = Dot(color=RED, radius=0, stroke_width=0).move_to(

        # # First attempt
        # dots1 = [Dot(color=RED, radius=0, stroke_width=0).move_to(
        #     c.point_at_angle(0*DEGREES)) for c in circles]

        rolling_outer_circle = VGroup(
            outer_circle, *circles)

        rolling_outer_circle.add_updater(lambda m: m.rotate(-0.01))
        self.add(rolling_outer_circle, outer_circle), run_time=10, rate_func=linear)

Executing manim PathExample


  • I don't know why but main problem makes point_at_angle(0*DEGREES) - in some situations it gives wrong results.

    If I use n*DEGREES with for c, n in zip(circles, angles): then it works.

    Other problem is that Dot for radius=.1, stroke_width=0 is invisible so it needs ie. radius=.1

    Minimal working code

    from manim import *
    class PathExample(Scene):
        def construct(self):
            num_points = 16
            angles = [n * (360 / num_points) for n in range(num_points)]
            outer_circle = Circle(color=RED, radius=3)
            circles = [Circle(color=RED, radius=1).move_to(outer_circle.point_at_angle(n*DEGREES)) 
                        for n in angles]
            dots = []
            for c, n in zip(circles, angles):
                #c.add_updater(lambda m: m.rotate(-0.01))
                dot = Dot(color=RED, radius=.1, stroke_width=0).move_to(c.point_at_angle(n*DEGREES))
            # # First attempt
            #dots = [Dot(color=RED, radius=.1, stroke_width=0).move_to(c.point_at_angle(n*DEGREES)) 
            #            for c, n in zip(circles, angles)]
            rolling_outer_circle = VGroup(outer_circle, *circles, *dots)
            rolling_outer_circle.add_updater(lambda m: m.rotate(-0.01))
            self.add(rolling_outer_circle, outer_circle, *dots)
  , run_time=10, rate_func=linear)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess['manim', '-p', '-ql', __file__, 'PathExample'])

    Result (partial animation):

    enter image description here