I have a select dropdown using ChakraUI, it like:
<Select color={"white"} bg={"black"}>
<option value="option1">Option1</option>
<option value="option2">Option2</option>
When I click to dropdown, the option has both textColor and bgColor is white. I want to change option appear that textColor is black and bgColor is white. I have set color, bgColor in option field but it not working
You will need to style the <option>
<Select bg="black" color="white">
<option style={{ color: 'black' }} value="option1">
<option style={{ color: 'black' }} value="option2">
Note that if you add a placeholder to <Select>
, it will still be white on white when opened.
Another curious thing is that this problem does not happen in Safari, there the dropdown looks just like a standard OS menu.