I have already made numerous attempts, but still cannot get through the app review. The app always gets rejected for the following reason:
Prominent disclosure not found
Your app must display a prominent disclosure through a pop-up alert before your app’s location runtime permission. Based on our review, a prominent disclosure did not appear before the runtime permission.
In my opinion, which is based on this article, the app fulfills the requirements and does exactly the same as the demo app in the article.
When the app starts for the first time, the user is guided through the app intro in which the needed permissions are explained and requested:
The same procedure happens for the background location permission.
I don't really understand why the app gets rejected... It's really frustrating because there is no detailed explanation and appealing the review results in the exact same rejection reason.
Coming back to this a few month later to post an answer in case some other people have the same issue...
In my case I forgot to update the walk through video which you need to provide when accessing sensitive permissions. I made some changes in order to comply with Googles requirements and resubmitted the App. The reviewer then probably just watched the old video and based on that, decided that the app still doesn't fulfill the requirements.
Never had any rejected updates since then!