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Building a trie out of strings but 'str' object cannot be assigned error for some of the characters?

I am trying to create a trie out of a list of words ["Patrick",'Pete','Peter'].

Why does the below code return {}? And how do I print the trie itself after building it?

def trieSetUpForWords(words):
    trie = {}
    for word in range(len(words)):
        currentWord = words[word]
        for char in range(len(currentWord)):
            currentLetter = currentWord[char]
            if currentLetter not in trie:
                trie[currentLetter] = {}
            trie = trie[currentLetter]

    return trie



  • In order to return the trie, you may want to store the root somewhere safe and return that:

    def trie_setup_for_words(words):
        root = {}
        trie = root
        for current_word in words:
            for current_letter in current_word:
                if current_letter not in trie:
                    trie[current_letter] = {}
                trie = trie[current_letter]
            # Mark the end of a word
            trie['*'] = '*'
            # The root is also needed to reset it when a new word is added
            trie = root
        # Return the root here, not just the last leaf
        return root
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        trie = trie_setup_for_words(["Patrick", 'Pete', 'Peter'])

    If we print out the trie, we will see something like:

    {'P': {'a': {'t': {'r': {'i': {'c': {'k': {'*': '*'}}}}}}, 'e': {'t': {'e': {'*': '*', 'r': {'*': '*'}}}}}}

    Just to make sure out trie is constructed correctly, we may want to test out if a word exits in the trie:

    def contains_word(trie: dict, word: str):
        if not word and '*' in trie:
            return True
        if word and word[0] in trie:
            return contains_word(trie[word[0]], word[1:])
        return False

    This will return the following results:

    print(contains_word(trie, "Patrick")) # Prints True
    print(contains_word(trie, "Patric")) # Prints False
    print(contains_word(trie, "Pete")) # Prints True
    print(contains_word(trie, "Peter")) # Prints True
    print(contains_word(trie, "Pet")) # Prints False