Search code examples

Use Google Query to return results based on an Array

I have a function that queries an array, material_items and I want it to select all the rows where Column 1 matches another array item_list_typeids. Right now it only uses the first cell in the item_list_typeids in the query when there are currently 5 items in the array. That array is dynamic and there can be much more than just 5 items.

QUERY({material_items}, "select * WHERE Col1 = "&item_list_typeids&"",0),

As you can see in the images below, there are multiple rows pulled for just the first item in the item_list_typeids, so the expected result will be over a dozen rows for just the 5 items in the array.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • go for:

     "where Col1 matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, item_list_typeids)&"'", 0))