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Git checkout command overrides folders in .gitignore

I'm working on this project under a tight schedule and I have this error, below is a summary of how I got this error.

  • Working on Weatherme for viewing the weather location (my first actual implementation of APIs with Vue.js 3)
  • Got tired of the old design and decided to move to TailwindCSS - my definition of a sweet library
  • Made a new branch migrate-design-tailwind to push to GitHub
  • I recently switch to the default branch (main) to get a copy of a piece of functionality.

The issue is when I check the package.json file in Visual Studio Code, it tells me certain packages are not available (not a problem right)

So I re-installed the packages and the errors go away. That was the first time. The second time the same dependencies weren't found. This is a sample of my .gitignore

# Node modules

# Project logs

# Other stuff, don't look here

The checkout command I used is git checkout main

Code can be found here


  • I found a library called husky, which can be found on npm or yarn which helps in the process of adding git hooks to a project.

    Installation is pretty simple for npm users - $ npx husky-init && npm install Installation differs for yarn users

    $ npx husky-init && yarn              # Yarn 1
    $ yarn dlx husky-init --yarn2 && yarn # Yarn 2

    I could get the checkout hook in my project easily using the command

    $ npx husky add .husky/post-checkout "npm install"

    I found all the hooks for git at this site

    Happy New Year ✌