I'm trying to insert multiple QComboBoxes from a dynamic multidimensional QComboBox like :
QComboBox **test = new QComboBox *[x];
test[x] = new QComboBox [y];
ui->QVBoxLayout->addWidget(test["one of x values"]["one of y values"]);
But this gives me an error of : no viable convert from QComboBox to *QWidget.
Using :
QComboBox *test = new QComboBox;
Works just fine.
My case is (this is examplery):
for(int tmp = 1; fieldAmount >= tmp; tmp++){
//fieldAmount is the number of fields presented in a table that was loaded in from a file
combobox1[currentTable] = new QComboBox [tmp];
ui->verticalLayout_2->addWidget(&combobox1[currentTable][tmp]); //Gives the seg fault
What my case does is based on a file that I load in, finds the amount of tables i will have and in them the amount of values that needs to be entered. That is why I need a dynamic multidimensional QComboBox.
What is the syntax (or execution order) that I'm not getting right ? If this is a duplicate, than im sorry in advance but I was not able to find it the question already posted on here.
combobox1[currentTable] = new QComboBox [fieldAmount];
for(int tmp = 0; fieldAmount > tmp; tmp++){
where fieldAmount is
int fieldAmount = (SQLDataBaseContet->record()).count()-1; // -1 as offset because of id