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Create a column with maximum value (A-Z)

I have below dataframe, I want to the create a new column that shows the highest score for the ID. Score is from A-Z. A = low score, Z = high score.

ID Score
001 A
001 B
001 C
002 A
002 A
A003 E
A003 G
A003 G


ID Score New Column
001 A C
001 B C
001 C C
002 A A
002 A A
A003 E G
A003 G G
A003 G G

Is there any way to accomplish this easily?


  • Group by ID and transform by max:

    df['New Column'] = df.groupby('ID').transform('max')


    >>> df
         ID Score New Column
    0   001     A          C
    1   001     B          C
    2   001     C          C
    3   002     A          A
    4   002     A          A
    5  A003     E          G
    6  A003     G          G
    7  A003     G          G