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gatling - generate unique id of execution

I have simple scenario when I'm creating some object by sending ElFileBody based json with post method. I would like to pass to this file some unique id, that after execution of scenario all objects created with this test would have exactly te same id.

I was trying with

exec(session ->
  session.set("testExecutionId", java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString)

but this is executed a every run and each execution get own testExecutionId. Can someone tell me is it posibble to do such thing, or maybe there is already something like this out of a box?


  • At first please use feed instead exec with session.set - this is a more correct way.
    The nuance in your code is that the method java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString is called every time. We can solve this once by initializing the id via val variable.

    val uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString
    val testExecutionFeeder = Iterator.continually(Map("testExecutionId" -> uuid))

    And then add to your scenario:
