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Music suddenly stops playing while using winsound in python script

I have a computer project where I am using tkinter to make a GUI application. The user has the option to either switch on or switch off the music through radiobuttons in the window. I made the below code so that you guys can replicate it and try it for yourself.

import tkinter as tk
import winsound as ws
import sys

root = tk.Tk()                         # Main window
myColor = '#40E0D0'                 # Its a light blue color
root.configure(bg=myColor)          # Setting color of main window to myColor

def musicplayer(music_onoff):
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        if music_onoff == True:
            ws.PlaySound('8-bit.wav', ws.SND_FILENAME |
                         ws.SND_ASYNC | ws.SND_LOOP)
            ws.PlaySound(None, ws.SND_ASYNC)
        popup.showwarning('Warning', "Only supported on Windows devices")

# Linking style with the button
rb1 = tk.Radiobutton(text="Off")
rb2= tk.Radiobutton(text="On")

rb1.configure(command=lambda x=False: musicplayer(x))
rb2.configure(command=lambda x=True: musicplayer(x))

rb1.pack()                          # Placing Radiobutton

The 8-bit.wav file corresponds to this video which is a 8-bit version of Never Gonna Give You Up. I converted the video to a .wav format. The full song plays when I play the .wav file on my windows default mp3 player(which is groove music), but not when I use winsound. I am not sure why this is happening because no error shows up on my console as well, when the music stops.


    Realised that the issue was caused by winsound because it is a 8-bit sound file. Converting it into a 16-bit signed wav file using an online converter like and then using it resolves the problem.