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Sum each row in a CSV file and sort it by specific value bash

i have a question taking the below set Coma separated CSV i want to run a script in bash that sums all values from colums 7,8,9 from an especific city and show the row with the max value so Original dataset:

Row,name,city,age,height,weight,good rates,bad rates,medium rates
1,john,New York,25,186,98,10,5,11
2,mike,New York,21,175,87,19,6,21
6,Karl,New York,33,189,98,9,2,1

the desire output will be

Row,name,city,age,height,weight,good rates,bad rates,medium rates,max rates by city
2,mike,New York,21,175,87,19,6,21,46

im trying with this; but it gives me only the highest rate number so 46 but i need it by city and that shows all the row, any ideas how to continue?

awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","}{sum = 0; for (i=7; i<=9;i++) sum += $i} NR ==1 || sum >max {max = sum}


  • You may use this awk:

    awk '
    BEGIN {FS=OFS=","}
    NR==1 {
       print $0, "max rates by city"
       s = $7+$8+$9
       if (s > max[$3]) {
          max[$3] = s
          rec[$3] = $0
    END {
       for (i in max)
          print rec[i], max[i]
    }' file
    Row,name,city,age,height,weight,good rates,bad rates,medium rates,max rates by city
    2,mike,New York,21,175,87,19,6,21,46

    or to get tabular output:

    awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","} NR==1{print $0, "max rates by city"; next} {s=$7+$8+$9; if (s > max[$3]) {max[$3] = s; rec[$3] = $0}} END {for (i in max) print rec[i], max[i]}' file | column -s, -t
    Row  name   city      age  height  weight  good rates  bad rates  medium rates  max rates by city
    7    Steve  Chicago   45   176     88      10          3          0             13
    2    mike   New York  21   175     87      19          6          21            46
    5    Andy   Boston    31   177     85      19          0          1             20