I want to implement CI/CD so that whenever dev team commits any changes in their build then my whole automation suite runs before build and deployment.
I have yml file in GitLab and automated test case scripts in Visual Studio (Specflow framework in C#).
Please find below yml file:
stage: test
- win
- echo "Test 1 started"
- '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe /ProjName.dll"'
- '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\MSTest /testcontainer:D:\Users\username\source\repos\Project\ProjName\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ProjName.dll"'
- "D:\Users\username\source\repos\Project\ProjName\ProjName.sln\Test\TestFeature1.csproj"'
But my job is passing without actually executing any of the test cases from the project
Folder structure in Visual studio:
I tried to do many changes in the path but none worked. Am I entering the wrong path? Can anyone please help me with this? If the yml file is completely wrong then can someone please guide me in the same? Thanks in advance!!! :)
P.S: I had validated yml before committing it and ymlvalidator showed it as the correct yml file.
stage: test
- tags
- Root dir location path
- 'dotnet restore <path to the ProjName.sln>'
- 'dotnet msbuild <path to the ProjName.sln>'
- 'dotnet test <path to the ProjName.sln>'
Hope this helps others too!!!