I want to do a spatial binning (using median as aggregation function)
starting from a CSV file containing pollutant values measured at positions long and lat.
The resulting map should be something as:
But for data applied to a city's extent.
At this regard I found this tutorial that is close to what I want to do, but I was not able to get the desired result.
I think that I'm missing something on how to correctly use dissolve
and plot the resulting data (better using Folium
Any useful example code?
to demonstrate multiple metrics can be calculatedimport geopandas as gpd
import shapely.geometry
import numpy as np
# equivalent of CSV, all earthquake points globally
gdf_e = gpd.read_file(
# get geometry of bounding area. Have selected a state rather than a city
gdf_CA = gpd.read_file(
).loc[:, ["geometry"]]
BOXES = 50
a, b, c, d = gdf_CA.total_bounds
# create a grid for Califormia, could be a city
gdf_grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
shapely.geometry.box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
for minx, maxx in zip(np.linspace(a, c, BOXES), np.linspace(a, c, BOXES)[1:])
for miny, maxy in zip(np.linspace(b, d, BOXES), np.linspace(b, d, BOXES)[1:])
# remove grid boxes created outside actual geometry
gdf_grid = gdf_grid.sjoin(gdf_CA).drop(columns="index_right")
# get earthquakes that have occured within one of the grid geometries
gdf_e_CA = gdf_e.loc[:, ["geometry", "mag"]].sjoin(gdf_grid)
# get median magnitude of eargquakes in grid
gdf_grid = gdf_grid.join(
gdf_e_CA.dissolve(by="index_right", aggfunc="median").drop(columns="geometry")
# how many earthquakes in the grid
gdf_grid = gdf_grid.join(
gdf_e_CA.dissolve(by="index_right", aggfunc=lambda d: len(d))
.rename(columns={"mag": "number"})
# drop grids geometries that have no measures and create folium map
m = gdf_grid.dropna().explore(column="mag")
# for good measure - boundary on map too
gdf_CA["geometry"].apply(lambda g: shapely.geometry.MultiLineString([p.exterior for p in g.geoms])).explore(m=m)