I am building an AWS Step Function to trigger on SQS event messages. These messages will carry a simple payload with a startTime & endTime to run some Redshift queries.
I am clearly not giving Redshift the authentication it needs:
"error": "RedshiftData.ValidationException",
"cause": "To use IAM Authorization, both Cluster ID and DB User are required unless you're using Redshift Serverless. (Service: RedshiftData, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 3c7ef18f-ad28-46a2-8668-25cb6f5563bd, Extended Request ID: null)"
The question is how to configure the authentication properly. Do I create a DB user as here? https://awsbytes.com/how-to-create-user-in-redshift-database/ How would I pass this in the step function? Should I use a Secrets Manager? Is there a good guide on this?
There is my step Function code:
"Comment": "Run Redshift Queries",
"StartAt": "ReceiveMessage from SQS",
"States": {
"ReceiveMessage from SQS": {
"Type": "Task",
"Parameters": {
"QueueUrl": "https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/******/dev-queryProcessingQueue"
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:sqs:receiveMessage",
"Next": "Run Analysis Queries",
"ResultSelector": {
"body.$": "States.StringToJson($.Messages[0].Body)"
"Run Analysis Queries": {
"Type": "Task",
"Parameters": {
"ClusterIdentifier": "test-*****-redshift-cluster",
"Database": "prod",
"Sql": "select * from my_test_table"
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:redshiftdata:executeStatement",
"End": true
"TimeoutSeconds": 3600
The solution is to add the Redshift access to the step function IAM Role.