I have value in the typescript file
readonly isMobile: boolean = false;
And inside cosntructor i have this to check is suer on mobile or desktop app version:
if (window.navigator?.maxTouchPoints > 0) {
this.isMobile = true;
In the HTML file, I wanna show/hide something if isMobile is true, and everything works but if I'm on the desktop version and I manually resize the screen to become small, isMobile is still false, i need to go inspect the element >> select mobile devices and restart page and then will appear content-based if isMobile is true, can value isMobile be set to true if i resize the screen size to be like mobile screen?
You can use something like this:
window.onresize = () => {
let isMobile = false;
console.log('RESIZING ...', window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth);
const mobileWidthThreshold = 375; // For example
if (window.innerWidth <= mobileWidthThreshold) {
isMobile = true;
} else {
isMobile = false;