I have a really simple template and a simple nested template. Unfortunately, my nested template doesn't render anything.
I followed the example defined at: https://lit.dev/docs/components/rendering/
This is my container template.
import "./ul-mail";
class BoxMail extends LitElement {
public render() {
return html`
this is my nested template.
class UlMail extends LitElement {
connectedCallback(): void {
console.log("UL-MAIL CHILD: connected now"); // triggers.
public render() {
console.log("UL-MAIL CHILD: rendered"); // doesn't trigger.
return html`<p>hello from ul-mail!</p>`;
My page looks like this in the devtools inspector:
As you can see; ul-mail
renders nothing, no hello from ul-mail!
I was wondering what is going wrong?
Anytime we implement lifecycle callback methods, it's necessary to call the parent class's methods (so the superclass features work as-expected).
If you need to customize any of the standard custom element lifecycle methods, make sure to call the super implementation (such as super.connectedCallback()) so the standard Lit functionality is maintained.
connectedCallback(): void {
console.log("UL-MAIL CHILD: connected now"); // triggers.