Here, I have a list. a = [92,93,94,95,81,66,51,36..];
I just want to move my colored cell's container according to the list index with animation.
To understand my question better, in the given image, I want to animate that cell container which is located at index 92, according to a list(a).
While we know the box size, we can use getPosition()
method to position the circle.
Offset getPosition(int index) {
assert(boxWidth != null, "init boxWidth inside layoutBuilder");
final dx = index <= crossAxisCount
? index * boxWidth!
: (index % crossAxisCount) * boxWidth!;
final dy = index <= crossAxisCount
? 0.0
: (index / crossAxisCount).floor() * boxWidth!;
return Offset(dx, dy);
Use like
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 400),
left: getPosition(currentPosition).dx,
top: getPosition(currentPosition).dy,
child: Container(
width: constraints.maxWidth / crossAxisCount,
height: constraints.maxWidth / crossAxisCount,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.cyanAccent,
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