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Filters in Power BI embed report

I developed a few months ago a NodeJS API to get embed reports from Power BI (using a tenant). I consume this API from an Angular app. Now I want to get the report filtered, and I don't know if this is possible with my actual code.

I used the PowerBI rest API to get the embed report. Reading the docs of microsoft, I see lots of docs like this one, where says that I should create an object with the filters that I want. This is not a problem, but I don't know if this is compatible with mi actual Node API or I should develop a new solution.

My API follows the sample provided by Microsoft, and the code is:

async function getEmbedParamsForSingleReport(
) {
  const reportInGroupApi = `${workspaceId}/reports/${reportId}`;
  const headers = await getRequestHeader();
  // Get report info by calling the PowerBI REST API

  const result = await axios.get(reportInGroupApi, { headers });

  if (result.status !== 200) {
    throw result;

  // Convert result in json to retrieve values
  const resultJson =;

  // Add report data for embedding
  const reportDetails = new PowerBiReportDetails(,,

  const reportEmbedConfig = new EmbedConfig();

  // Create mapping for report and Embed URL
  reportEmbedConfig.reportsDetail = [reportDetails];

  // Create list of datasets
  let datasetIds = [resultJson.datasetId];

  // Append additional dataset to the list to achieve dynamic binding later
  if (additionalDatasetId) {

  // Get Embed token multiple resources
  reportEmbedConfig.embedToken =
    await getEmbedTokenForSingleReportSingleWorkspace(
  return reportEmbedConfig;

With this I obtain the embed report and send back to my app. Is this solution compatible with filters?

Thanks in advance!


  • Finally, I came out with a solution. In mi Angular app, I use the library powerbi-client-angular. That allows me to define some configuration in the embed report:

      basicFilter: models.IBasicFilter = {
        $schema: '',
        target: {
          table: 'items',
          column: 'id',
        operator: 'In',
        values: [1,2,3],
        filterType: models.FilterType.Basic,
        requireSingleSelection: true,
        displaySettings: {
          /** Hiding filter pane */
          isLockedInViewMode: true,
          isHiddenInViewMode: true,
      reportConfig: IReportEmbedConfiguration = {
        type: 'report',
        id: cuantitativeReportID,
        embedUrl: undefined,
        tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
        filters: [this.basicFilter],
        accessToken: undefined,
        settings: undefined,

    With this, I can avoid passing information to the NodeJS API