I have a script in AWS Glue ETL Job, where it reads a S3 bucket with a lot of parquet files, do a sort by key1, key2 and a timestamp field. After that the script delete the duplicates and save a single parquet file in other S3 Bucket.
Look the data I have before the Job runs:
key1 | key2 | uploadTimestamp |
0005541779 | 10 | 2021-12-29 14:54:08.753 |
0005541779 | 10 | 2021-12-29 15:06:05.968 |
The code that do the sort and eliminate duplicates:
tempDF = S3bucket_node1.toDF() #from Dynamic Frame to Data Frame
sortedDF = tempDF.orderBy(f.col("uploadTimestamp").desc(),"key1","key2").dropDuplicates(["key1","key2"]) #sort and remove duplicates
dynamicFrame = DynamicFrame.fromDF(sortedDF, glueContext, 'salesOrder') #back to Dynamic Frame
Get a look on this image after an order by:
My problem: In the output file, some data got the last timestamp, some data got the first.. I can't understand why it doesnt work for all data.
It worked with the following code:
tempDF = S3bucket_node1.toDF()
w = Window.partitionBy("key1","key2").orderBy(f.desc("uploadTimestamp"))
df = tempDF.withColumn("rn", f.row_number().over(w)).filter("rn = 1").drop("rn")
dynamicFrame = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, 'dynamicFrame')
The tip to solve that, was found here: pyspark dataframe drop duplicate values with older time stamp