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Syntax error near CASE on postgres function

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.defaultmapviewport(hasura_session json)
 RETURNS viewport_info
AS $function$
    case hasura_session ->> 'x-hasura-default-country-code'
        when 'FR' then select lat, lng from places where slug_en = 'city-paris' 
        when 'ES' then select lat, lng from places where slug_en = 'municipality-madrid'
END $function$ language SQL;

I'm getting a syntax error near case, even though it seems right. What could be the problem?

Viewport info:

create table viewport_info(
    lat float,
    lng float


  • As @AdrianKlaver commented, a CASE expression can't stand on its own, it must be part of a SELECT query. You'll want to use

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.defaultmapviewport(hasura_session json)
    RETURNS viewport_info
    AS $function$
      SELECT lat, lng
      FROM places
      WHERE slug_en = (CASE hasura_session ->> 'x-hasura-default-country-code'
        WHEN 'FR' THEN 'city-paris' 
        WHEN 'ES' THEN 'municipality-madrid'
    $function$ language SQL;

    (online demo)