I'm trying to create some Logic Apps to get weather information using the Azure Maps Weather API. I've got this working in my Asp.Net Core App. I can also make the call using Postman. For whatever reason, I can not get the body output using the Http Get Action in a Logic App.
Http Get Action
Daily Forecast API call
HTTP Get Action configured (I've tried adding Accept application/JSON & Content-Type application/JSON as Headers along with query string parameters as queries etc..)
Raw output from Logic App run triggered manually
"headers": {},
"statusCode": "OK"
This works just fine in Postman.
I created my first Logic App over 7 years ago. I can't for the life of me figure out why this is so difficult. :(
UPDATE: This API call from an HTTP Get Action works just fine.
Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
Thanks for the quick response @SwethaKandikonda-MT. I created a new Workflow and it's working just fine. I have no idea why it doesn't / didn't work in the first Workflow I created.