We need to inspect when the text on a element change, because it is one way to see if the process ended, so we made something like this:
*** Settings ***
Library Browser
*** Test Case ***
Then inspect if the element text is Finished
*** Keywords ***
Then inspect if the element text is Finished
sleep 10
${text} = Get Text //*[@id="situacaoUltimaMovimentacaoVariacaoCambial"]
Should Be Equal ${text} Finished
But I don't think using sleep for this is a good idea, you guys know some solution for doing this in a better way?
Thanks to @senaid I found a good solution.
Because Playwright will always wait until try to do some commands, I used Click on the element with the text that will be find after the process finished. So the code will be:
*** Settings ***
Library Browser
*** Test Case ***
Then inspect if the element text is Finished
*** Keywords ***
Then inspect if the element text is Finished
Click //*[@id='situacaoUltimaMovimentacaoVariacaoCambial' and contains(text(),'Finished')]