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JIRA XRAY plugin creates duplicate test case when importing using API and feature file

I have a bash script that takes all the feature files from a specific directory and uses /rest/raven/1.0/import/feature?projectKey=XYZ XRAY-JIRA API to create TEST CASES in JIRA.

XRAY version 4.2.1_j7

I am running this script in a JENKINS-PIPELINE but the problem is when I run it for the first time it creates test cases which are correct but when I re-run the build it starts creating the same test cases again (duplicating them), any suggestion / reason why this is happening

My bash script:

find <DIR_PATH> -type f -name "*.feature" | while read fname;
 curl -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -X $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -F "file=@$fname" 

Sample feature file:

Feature Facebook Login
 Scenario: Log in to FB app
  Given: User is at FB login page
  When User enters username and password
  Then User is logged in successfully

Please suggest me how and where can I debug to fix the issue Thanks


  • First, I would highly recommend you to upgrade to the latest version is your current version is "rather old". Version 6.0 was just released few days ago. I don't any open bug related to that, except this bug that been solved many releases ago. You can try importing using a zip file, in a single request (which is more efficient btw). Maybe this approach implicitly addresses your problem, in the version in that you have.


    rm -f
    zip -r src/test/resources/calculator/ -i \*.feature
    curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "[email protected]" ""

    If the problem persists, then mostly there's a bug there; please reach out Xray support team, so the team can properly analyze it with you.