I have a django app with several models. Here is autocomplete when I filter objects
Then I install django-stubs for MyPy
pip install django-stubs
Now my autocomplete looks like this
When I delete django-stubs autocomplete works well, like on the first picture
pip uninstall django-stubs
So, is there a way to use django-stubs with Pycharm Django autocomplete?
I use Pycharm Professional 2019.1 and Python3.7
There is currently no known workaround for this issue, however, PyCharm 2024.3 will fix issues with django-stubs in PyCharm and a copy of django-stubs will start shipping in PyCharm Professional.
A ticket open since August 2019 tracks the issue at JetBrains and they confirmed it was on their end.
This particular one is on our side, but I'm working on identifying all the integration issues with django-stubs and will definitely let you know if I find something