In an osascript/JXA context, I need to map macOS keyCodes and modifiers to Unicode strings (for any keyboard layout, specified at run-time)
The obvious candidate appears to be UCKeyTranslate
, but my attempts to get a reference to it from a JavaScript for Automation context have not been successful so far.
Does anybody know how to do this, perhaps in terms of ObjC.bindFunction
When ObjC libraries are imported into the 'JavaScript for Automation' (or 'JXA') JSContext, a global $
symbol is decorated with their methods.
So, for example, evaluating $.NSPasteboard
in a vanilla JXA context evaluates to undefined, but after ObjC.import('Appkit')
, we can write, and successfully evaluate, expressions like:
In this case however, $.UCKeyTranslate
remains undefined in the JSContext after:
In such cases we can sometimes bind the names of ObjC functions to a JSContext name using ObjC.bindFunction
, for example, although it would be redundant, we could successfully write and make use of the names function names 'sin' and 'cos' after writing.
['sin', 'cos'].forEach(
k => ObjC.bindFunction(k, ['double', ['double']]));
In this case, however, neither the ObjC.import nor ObjC.bindFunction routes have so far defined the name $.UCKeyTranslate
or UCKeyTranslate
in the JXA JSContext.
One way to go would be to make a Swift or ObjC helper library (or a command line tool), and then use that from JXA. Check some example code to start.
If you wrap this call in an ObjC object method inside a framework, it's possible to ObjC.import()
it and use in your scripts. If you choose to do a command line app, then call it as a shell command.
Using ObjC.bindFunction seems a bit too complicated, because you'd have to bind a few other functions that would get you a UCKeyboardLayout instance, and define a bunch of magic constants, plus do some necessary mapping of strings and pointers.