I have tried integrating mobclix and a admob. Both of them dont not show up on my android phone. They show up fine on the emulator though. I was thinking it could be ad blockers because I bought a used rooted phone. How do I tell if I have ad blockers? If I do, how do I get rid of them? What other things could be causing this?
Connect your mobile phone to your pc(using USB), and watch the LogCat
when you run the app on the mobile, the AdMob
library prints on the LogCat
, informations about pulling ads from the internet, if you have ad blocked phone, you will notice in the LogCat
some information about Can't Connect to Server
or equivalent, in some cases it tells you, there is no enough ads to show in your app, in this case go to your account on AdMob
and activate Google Ad Sense
in the Application Settings
window can be found under Window
menu in Eclipse IDE
, under sub category for Android
. or read this answer to show LogCat
running logcat on Eclipse
Best Regards