I am using Hybris version 20.05(Cloud). There is a "Cloudcommens" field in the backoffice tree. But if there is "TestRabia" in the group of the logged in employee, I don't want the user to see the "Cloudcommens" field. But the user who still has "TestRabia(UserGroup)" sees the "Cloudcommens" field.
For this : ...backoffice-backoffice-config.xml I add the following code:
<context merge-by="principal" component="explorer-tree" principal="TestRabia">
<explorer-tree:explorer-tree xmlns:explorer-tree="http://www.hybris.com/cockpitng/config/explorertree">
<explorer-tree:navigation-node id="hmc.cloudcommons" merge-mode="remove" />
How can I solve this problem? Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Since the type of group I want to restrict is UserGroup, I could not do this restriction. The principal context code I wrote works when I change my group's type to BackkoficeRole.