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Jenkins does not set pruneTags option to true

The Git plugin for Jenkins allows pruning stale tags.

When I add (and save) such an option through the Jenkins dashboard:

enter image description here

The configuration change is the following: enter image description here

When the build runs, this option is ignored. Why the option is set to false instead of true?

Jenkins version: 2.222.4

Jenkins Git plugin version: 4.6.0


  • That seems a bug to be reported to the git-plugin Jira.

    The pipeline form (which is tested by the plugin) would be:

    node {  
      checkout([ $class: 'GitSCM',
                 branches: [[name: '*/master']],
                 doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
                 extensions: [pruneTags(true)],
                 submoduleCfg: [],
                 userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'remoteURL']]

    But if you are not using pipelines and relying on the classic GUI, pruneTags (boolean pruneTags) is never called.
    Since the code has not changed for the past 2 years, it could be a side-effect of your version of Jenkins 2.x.

    Still, I would first upgrade the plugin to the latest 4.10.1, for testing.

    However, The OP Marc points out in the comments to their issue JENKINS-67473: "Git plugin does not add pruneTags from UI".
    That was closed as too hard to reproduce reliably (with Jenkins 2.319.1 and git plugin 4.10.1.).

    Steps I took to try to duplicate the problem:

    1. Create a freestyle project using git SCM and include the "prune stale tags" setting
    2. Run the job and confirm that the "Pruning obsolete local tags that do not exist on remotes" message is included in the log
    3. Create a different freestyle project using git SCM with the JGit implementation instead of command line git and include the "prune stale tags" setting
    4. Run the job and confirm that the "Pruning obsolete local tags that do not exist on remotes" message is included in the log
    5. Confirm that the XML definitions of the jobs include pruneStaleTags set to true

    Since there have been multiple security advisories published for Jenkins core since 2.222.4 and multiple security advisories for the git plugin, I recommend upgrading to see if it resolves the issue.