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Port mapping in docker container with multiple networks

Having used docker on multiple occasions, I am familiar with the concepts of docker networks and port mapping. However, I haven't found any case online where you'd want to mix those two. Hopefully there are ppl who can help me out.

I use Traefik in many situations. I also have pi-hole software as private DNS. I would like to standardize all services behind Traefik to use TLS and custom (internal) domains. The pi-hole admin interface works perfectly together with Traefik.

The biggest issue with pi-hole behind an edge router, is docker uses NAT for the internal network. So pi-hole is not able to see where the DNS requests are made from. The only thing to overcome this is to map the DNS ports (53 & 853) directly to the host, I guess (so bypassing the internal Traefik network, bypassing any NAT).

enter image description here

I can attach the pi-hole container to multiple networks, but how I'm able to attach :80 to the Traefik network and :53 to the host network?


  • Eventually this was quite simple, although I didn't think this would work: simply publish the ports while the pi-hole container is connected to the Traefik network.

    This is the Ansible config I used:

    - name: Create the pihole container
        name: "{{ pihole_docker_container }}"
        image: "{{ pihole_docker_tag }}"
        pull: yes
        restart_policy: unless-stopped
        networks_cli_compatible: yes
          - name: "{{ traefik_docker_network }}"
          - "{{ pihole_config_dir }}:/etc/pihile/"
          - "{{ pihole_dnsmasq_dir }}:/etc/dnsmasq.d/"
          TZ: "{{ pihole_tz }}"
          WEBPASSWORD: ""
          DNS1: "{{ pihole_container_dns1 }}"
          DNS2: "{{ pihole_container_dns2 }}"
          REV_SERVER: "{{ pihole_server_rev }}"
          REV_SERVER_DOMAIN: "{{ pihole_server_domain }}"
          REV_SERVER_TARGET: "{{ pihole_server_gateway }}"
          REV_SERVER_CIDR: "{{ pihole_server_subnet }}"
          - "{{ pihole_container_dns1 }}"
          - "53:53/tcp"
          - "53:53/udp"
          - "853:853"
          traefik.enable: "true"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole.entrypoints: "websecure"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole.rule: "Host(`{{ pihole_public_domain }}`)"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole.middlewares: "pihole-admin"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole.service: "pihole"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole.tls: "true"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole.tls.certresolver: "le"
          traefik.http.middlewares.pihole-admin.addprefix.prefix: "/admin"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole_http.entrypoints: "web"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole_http.rule: "Host(`{{ pihole_public_domain }}`)"
          traefik.http.routers.pihole_http.middlewares: "redirect-to-https"