Let's say that I already built a program that essentially takes some images from an user's path and make new ones using the following libraries/modules:
os itertools pandas PIL
What I need now is to make that program become an executable file that can be actually executed without having to have installed the Python environment and the libraries used in the code, because the user would not know how to code, and would not likely matter how the code works.
The program would run on Windows OS (PC) only , and would use the cmd.exe
as the interpreter and medium for user inputs and results display.
Solved here You can use wheel, and ship whole environment.
@Vincent Caeles:
"@rh979 a wheel is not meant to have all dependencies. Subsequently you could do pip install path/to/wheel.whl --target /path/to/some/folder
and zip the contents of the 'folder' to have all your dependencies in the zip archive and ship that to the environment where you want to run your code.
Another options is pyinstaller
library, according to documentation it should do what you need.