I have a simple use case where I wish to serialize and transmit vectors of integers between 0 and 256. I surmised that the most space-efficient way of doing so would be to serialize the vector as a serialized string, where the nth character has the ASCII code equivalent to the nth element of the corresponding vector. To this end, I wrote the following two functions:
std::string SerializeToBytes(const std::vector<int> &frag)
std::vector<unsigned char> res;
for(int val : frag) {
res.push_back((char) val);
return std::string(res.begin(), res.end());
std::vector<int> ParseFromBytes(const std::string &serialized_frag)
std::vector<int> res;
for(unsigned char c : serialized_frag) {
return res;
However, when sending this data using JsonCpp, I run into issues. The minimum reproducible example below indicates that the issue does not stem from the above methods and instead appears only when a Json::Value
is serialized and subsequently parsed. This causes the loss of some encoded data in the serialized string.
#include <cassert>
#include <json/json.h>
int main() {
std::vector frag = { 230 };
std::string serialized = SerializeToBytes(frag);
// Will pass, indicating that the SerializeToBytes and ParseFromBytes functions are not the issue.
assert(frag == ParseFromBytes(serialized));
Json::Value val;
val["STR"] = serialized;
// Will pass, showing that the issue does not appear until JSON is serialized and then parsed.
assert(frag == ParseFromBytes(val["STR"].asString()));
Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
builder["indentation"] = "";
std::string serialized_json = Json::writeString(builder, val);
// Will be serialized to "{\"STR\":\"\\ufffd\"}".
Json::Value reconstructed_json;
Json::Reader reader;
reader.parse(serialized_json, reconstructed_json);
// Will produce { 239, 191, 189 }, rather than { 230 }, as it should.
std::vector<int> frag_from_json = ParseFromBytes(reconstructed_json["STR"].asString());
// Will fail, showing that the issue stems from the serialize/parsing process.
assert(frag == frag_from_json);
return 0;
What is the cause of this issue, and how can I remedy it? Thanks for any help you can offer.
Jsoncpp Class Value
This class is a discriminated union wrapper that can represents a:
- ...
- UTF-8 string
- ...
{ 230 }
is invalid UTF-8 string. Thus further expectations from Json::writeString(builder, val)
for a correct result are illegal.