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gnuplot pm3d with contour base

I would like to add the contour lines in the plane z=0 of this plot : enter image description here

in order to obtain something similar to this other (recovered from a book) enter image description here

how cam I do it with gnuplot ? consider that the code to generate the pm3d plot is the follow:

set terminal pdfcairo enhanced font "palatino,42" fontscale 1.0 size 30, 22 background rgb 'white'
 set output 'stromegaJPDF_90.pdf'
#set border 4095 front lt black linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid
set style line 100  linecolor rgb "#f0e442"  linewidth 0.500 dashtype solid pointtype pointsize default
 #set view 50, 220, 1, 1
set samples 30, 30
set isosamples 30, 30
set surface
set title "Re=90"
 set cbrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
 set rrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
 set pm3d implicit at s
 set pm3d depthorder
 set pm3d interpolate 1,1 flush begin noftriangles border linecolor rgb "gray"  linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid corners2color mean
 set xrange[0:15]
  set logscale z
  set xlabel '{/Symbol w}^2/<{/Symbol w}^2>' enhanced
  set ylabel 'cos({/Symbol w}, W)' enhanced
   splot 'jpdfstrW_90.dat' t 'JPDF'

jpdfsrtW_90.dat is reported here enter link description here


  • You must have the data in a grid structure, i.e. equal number of entries in each block (e.g. 100 in your case), butin your first and last block, you have fewer entries than general. After fixing it, it should work by adding set contour both. On a log scale, you cannot expect the z=0 to be shown, and you also need to fix the problem of exactly z=0 values to have a decent view.

    For a simplified plot file, consider the following example:

    set contour both
    set pm3d border linewidth 0.2
    set logscale z
    set zrange [1e-5:]
    splot 'jpdfstrW_90.dat' u 1:2:($3+1e-5) w pm3d t 'JPDF'

    To make the contour thicker, replot the data with contour only:

    splot 'jpdfstrW_90.dat' u 1:2:($3+1e-5) w pm3d t 'JPDF', "" u 1:2:($3+1e-5) t 'JPDF' with lines nosurf lw 2

    This latter produces: enter image description here

    To further customize contour lines, you need to define the lines manually. To customize the counter levels, check out cntrparam. If log z is used, maybe it is more natural to use a logarithmic color bar too. You could also try different color palettes that are based on scientific principles.

    Consider the following script for customized contour lines:

    set contour both
    set pm3d border linewidth 0.2
    set linetype 1 lc rgb "black" lw 1.5 dt 1
    set linetype 2 lc rgb "black" dt 1
    set linetype 3 lc rgb "black" dashtype 2
    set linetype 4 lc rgb "black" dashtype 3
    set linetype 5 lc rgb "black" dashtype 4
    set style line 1 lc rgb 'black' lw 1.5 dt 1
    set style line 2 lc rgb 'black' dt 1
    set style line 3 lc rgb 'black' dashtype 2
    set style line 4 lc rgb 'black' dashtype 3
    set style line 5 lc rgb 'black' dashtype 4
    set logscale z
    set zrange [1e-5:]
    set log cb
    set cntrparam levels discrete 1, 0.1, 0.002, 0.0005
    splot 'jpdfstrW_90.dat' u 1:2:($3+1e-5) w pm3d notitle, "" u 1:2:($3+1e-5) t 'JPDF' with lines nosurf 

    enter image description here