I want to know something more about the latDist component in traci.vehicle.changeSublane(vehID, latDist) rather than what sumo says in "https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/TraCI/Change_Vehicle_State.html#lane_change_mode_0xb6". Does it have any interval? Do the values it takes are the matter of distance? Does it have values as threshold? What do we mean when using for instance "3.00" as latDist? Best, Ali
In SUMO's sublane model every vehicle has a continuous lateral position meaning it can be freely positioned in the boundaries of the edge, occupying one or more sublanes. This means a "lane change" is nothing more than a lateral movement. To make it independent of the actual sublane width (which has not so much relevance in reality) the offset to change is now given in meters and not in lane (or sublane) numbers. So an offset of 3.0 means move 3 meters to the left (in a right hand driven network).