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React Quill - HTML Element with ID not Rendering Inside Editor

I am using React Quill ( as a rich text editor in my React project.

Im running into an issue when inserting the below html span element to the editor with an ID: <span id='incInsert'></span>

The value of the text editor is contained within React State and when console.logging state i can see the span element in there:

enter image description here

However, the span element doesnt exist when inspecting via chrome dev tools and thus in the DOM.

The reason why I need this element to exist in the DOM is because i need to use document.getElementById('incInsert') to insert HTML into the span element which is done later in my submit function.



  • I had the same problem, I solved it as follows:

    import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
    import ReactQuill, { Quill } from "react-quill"; // ES6
    import "react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css";
    const Inline = Quill.import("blots/inline");
    function MyComponent() {
      const [content, setContent] = useState("");
      const reactQuillRef = useRef(null);
      const createElementWithClassName = () => {
        class SpanBlock extends Inline {
          static create() {
            let node = super.create();
            node.setAttribute("class", "spanblock");
            node.setAttribute("id", "myId")
            return node;
        SpanBlock.blotName = "spanblock";
        SpanBlock.tagName = "div";
        const div = document.createElement("div");
        var quill = new Quill(div);
            insert: "hello",
            attributes: {
              spanblock: true,
        const result = quill.root.innerHTML;
        return result;
      const buttonClick = () => {
        const quill = reactQuillRef.current.getEditor();
        const oldHtml = quill.root.innerHTML;
        const newElement = createElementWithClassName();
        const newHtml = oldHtml + newElement;
      return (
              toolbar: [
                [{ font: [] }, { size: ["small", false, "large", "huge"] }], // custom dropdown
                ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"],
                [{ color: [] }, { background: [] }],
                [{ script: "sub" }, { script: "super" }],
                [{ header: 1 }, { header: 2 }, "blockquote", "code-block"],
                  { list: "ordered" },
                  { list: "bullet" },
                  { indent: "-1" },
                  { indent: "+1" },
                [{ direction: "rtl" }, { align: [] }],
                ["link", "image", "video", "formula"],
            onChange={(content) => {
          <button onClick={buttonClick}>click me</button>
    export default MyComponent;