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AMPL CPLEX: is not an indicator constraint message

I have this AMPL model


param n >= 1 integer;

set V = 1..n;
set T = 1..n;
set R = {(i, j) in {V, V}: i <> j};

param capacity >= 0;

var m{V} binary;
var path{T, R} binary;
var u{T} binary;

minimize obj:
    sum{t in T} u[t]

subject to max_capacity{t in T}:
    u[t] = 1 ==>
        sum{(i, j) in R} m[j] * path[t, i, j] <= capacity

but when I try to solve it using cplex it returns this message:

CPLEX logical constraint _slogcon[1] is not an indicator constraint.

What does this message mean? Is there a simple way to fix the problem?


  • In AMPL like in OPL you could use CP.

    using CP;
    int n=10;
    range V = 1..n;
    range T = 1..n;
    tuple t
      int i;
      int j;
    {t} R={<i,j> | i,j in V:i!=j};
    int capacity=4;
    dvar boolean m[V];
    dvar boolean path[T,R];
    dvar boolean u[T];
        sum(t in T) u[t]
    subject to 
      forall(t in T)
        (u[t] == 1) =>
            (sum(<i,j>  in R) m[j] * path[t, <i, j>] <= capacity);

    works fine and relies on CPOptimizer

    If you prefer to use MIP you can rewrite your logical constraint with bigM

    int n=10;
    range V = 1..n;
    range T = 1..n;
    tuple t
      int i;
      int j;
    {t} R={<i,j> | i,j in V:i!=j};
    int capacity=4;
    float bigM=100;
    dvar boolean m[V];
    dvar boolean path[T,R];
    dvar boolean u[T];
        sum(t in T) u[t]
    subject to 
      forall(t in T)
        //(u[t] == 1) =>
            (sum(<i,j>  in R) m[j] * path[t, <i, j>] <= capacity*u[t]+bigM*(1-u[t]));


    I used OPL because I love OPL but you can do the same with AMPL