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react DataGrid: append custom filter operator without erasing the other operators

I'm using MaterialUI's DataGrid for React and I have created a custom filter operator for one of the columns.
I was able to add it to the column as mentioned in the documentation and it's working fine, however, this removed the other default operators (contains, equal, etc...).
This is how I did it:

columns: GridColDef[] = [
        field: 'myFieldName',
        headerName: 'Column name',
        filterOperators: [MyCustomOperator],// this is the custom operator I have created

How to append my custom operator and keep other operators?


  • I tried with ...getGridStringOperators() and it's adding new filter at the end of all existing filter. So for your case it will be something like below:

    columns: GridColDef[] = [
            field: 'myFieldName',
            headerName: 'Column name',
            filterOperators: [MyCustomOperator],// this is the custom operator I have created